Specify Guarantors

A guarantor is a person responsible for the patient. A patient can have multiple guarantors. By default, a person is their own guarantor, but other guarantors can be added, if necessary.

Example: A parent or guardian is usually a child’s guarantor.

Note: The same person can be guarantor for a maximum of 21 patients.

The Guarantor tab contains fields related to the patient’s guarantor(s). This includes basic information such as names, demographics, address, status, contact information, and additional information.

When a patient record is created, the patient is selected as their own guarantor. If the patient doesn’t need an additional guarantor, you can skip to Specify Guarantors. If the patient can't remain their own primary guarantor, then you must specify the guarantor record(s).


  • If the guarantor record is the patient, many fields are disabled and cannot be modified from the Guarantor tab.
  • Guarantors don't have to be patients in the clinic, but they must have their own their record in axiUm that contains their name and pertinent details.

To specify a patient guarantor:

Warning: Before you create a new guarantor record, search for the guarantor name to ensure they are not in axiUm.

  1. With the Patient Info window open, click the Guarantor tab.
  2. Note: By default, the patient’s information displays in this tab and the This is the Patient checkbox is selected.

  3. Click the Clear Data () icon to reset the fields in the tab and enable the Select Guarantor button.
  4. Search for the guarantor.
    1. Click Select Guarantor to display the Select Guarantor window.
    2. In the text field, enter the last name and press Enter.

  5. Add the guarantor.
    • If the guarantor is listed in the results:
    • If the guarantor isn’t listed in the results: